Thursday, March 19, 2015

“Albanians are the most beautiful race in Europe”, said the latest article published by the “New York Times”. Material prepared by Adrian Lazaj evaluated Albanians and their physical features, focusing on the intellectual abilities and talents. The article published by the “New York Times” focused on the Albanian traditions, culture and folk dances.
“Physically Albanians are the most beautiful race in Europe. Albanian women are very beautiful, with dark hair, and mostly colored eyes. Their way of walking is another element that makes them steal your heart, especially their way of dancing. First time I saw their dances, they gave me a special pleasure, “says the article.
It further says that “Albanians are smart and strong also. It is true, they are very beautiful and very talented. They are like the Scots in the seventeenth century. And I mean that they are the finest race in the Balkans, intellectually and physically. Even in Constantinople, you will see that the best soldiers and officers are Albanians “.


  1. This article is completely false.... The quotes are taken from a 1911 (!) New York Times report on a woman in Albania who was called the Albanian Joan of Arc. As the article points out, this whole quote was stated by "a person who is well acquainted with her" and they are not the opinions of the writer of the article. The New York Times did not ever take a position on the "beauty of Albanians" so your points are completely misleading. The writer was quoting someone else. That's how reporting and journalism work..... so stop spreading this story. #FACTSMATTER
